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[arXiv:2501.14925] "Profiling Apple Silicon Performance for ML Training," Dahua Feng*, Zhiming Xu*, Rongxiang Wang, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, (*=co-primary) 2025.
[ICLR'25] "Secure and Effective Data Appraisal for Machine Learning," Xu Ouyang*, Changhong Yang*, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Yangfeng Ji, (*=co-primary) to appear at Proc. Int. Conf. onLearning Representations, 2025.
[arXiv:2412.10856] "RWKV-Lite: Deeply Compressed RWKV for Resource-Constrained Devices," Wonkyo Choe, Yangfeng Ji, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, 2025.
[ASPLOS'25] "AnA: An Attentive Autonomous Driving System," Wonkyo Choe, Rongxiang Wang, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2025.
[arXiv:2412.11272] "Efficient Whisper on Streaming Speech," Rongxiang Wang, Zhiming Xu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, 2024.
[MobiCom'24] " Turbocharge Deep Speech Understanding on the Edge," Rongxiang Wang and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking, 2024.
[MobiSys'24] "Speech Understanding on Tiny Devices with a Learning Cache," Afsara Benazir, Zhiming Xu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2024.
[NeurIPS'24] "SILENCE: Proteching privacy in offloaded speech understanding on wimpy devices," Dongqi Cai, Shanghuang Wang, Zeling Zhang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Mengwei Xu, in Proc. Neural Information Processing Systems, 2024.
[MobiCom'23] "Federated Few-Shot Learning for Mobile NLP," Dongqi Cai, Shangguang Wang, Yaozong Wu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Mengwei Xu, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking, 2023.
[MobiCom'23] "Efficient Federated Learning for Modern NLP," Dongqi Cai, Yaozong Wu, Shangguang Wang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Mengwei Xu, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking, 2023.
[IJCAI'23] "Efficient NLP Model Finetuning via Multistage Data Filtering," Xu Ouyang, Shahina Mohd Azam Ansari, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Yangfeng Ji, in Proc. Int. Joint Conf. Artificial Intelligence, 2023.
[ASPLOS'23] "Efficient NLP Inference at the Edge via Elastic Pipelining," Liwei Guo, Wonkyo Choe, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2023.
[EuroMLSys'23] "Towards Practical Few-shot Federated NLP," Dongqi Cai, Yaozong Wu, Haitao Yuan, Shangguang Wang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Mengwei Xu, in Proc. European Workshop on Machine Learning and Systems, 2023.
[EuroSys'23] "Safe and Practical GPU Computation in TrustZone," Heejin Park and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems, 2023.
[HotMobile'22] "Hybrid Mobile Vision for Emerging Applications," Nan Wu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Feng Qian, and Bo Han, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2022.
[HotMobile'22] "Incremental Perception on Real Time 3D Data," Arup Kumar Sarker and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2022.
[EuroSys'22] "Minimum Viable Device Drivers for ARM TrustZone," Liwei Guo and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems, 2022.
[ASPLOS'22] "GPUReplay: A 50-KB GPU Stack for Client ML," Heejin Park and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2022.
[IEEESEC'22] "Towards Out-of-core Neural Networks on Microcontrollers," best paper award, Hongyu Miao and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 2022.
[IEEESEC'22] "REV: A Video Engine for Object Re-identification at the City Scale," Tiantu Xu, Kaiwen Shen, Yang Fu, Humphrey Shi, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. IEEE Symposium on Edge Computing, 2022.
[USENIX ATC'21] "Video Analytics with Zero-streaming Cameras," Mengwei Xu*, Tiantu Xu*, Yunxin Liu, Xuanzhe Liu, Gang Huang, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, (*=co-primary) in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2021.
[MobiSys'20] "Approximate Query Service on Autonomous IoT Cameras," Mengwei Xu, Xiwen Zhang, Yunxin Liu, Xuanzhe Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2020.
[HotMobile'20] "Practical Urban Localization for Mobile AR," Tiantu Xu, Guohui Wang, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2020.
[arXiv:1902.06327] "Let the Cloud Watch Over Your IoT File Systems," Liwei Guo, Yiying Zhang, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, 2019.
[USENIX ATC'19] "Transkernel: Bridging Monolithic Kernels to Peripheral Cores," Liwei Guo, Shuang Zhai, Yi Qiao, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2019.
[USENIX ATC'19] "StreamBox-TZ: A Secure IoT Analytics Engine at the Edge," Heejin Park, Shuang Zhai, Long Lu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2019.
[EuroSys'19] "VStore: A Data Store for Analytics on Large Videos," Tiantu Xu, Luis Materon Botelho, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems, 2019.
[WWW'19] "A First Look at Deep Learning Apps on Smartphones," Mengwei Xu, Jiawei Liu, Yuanqiang Liu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Yunxin Liu, and Xuanzhe Liu, in Proc. the World Wide Web Conference, 2019.
[ASPLOS'19] "StreamBox-HBM: Stream Analytics on High Bandwidth Hybrid Memory," Hongyu Miao, Myeongjae Jeon, Gennady Pekhimenko, Kathryn S. McKinley, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2019.
[EuroSys'18] "Power SandBox: Power Awareness Redefined," Liwei Guo*, Tiantu Xu*, Mengwei Xu, Xuanzhe Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, (*=co-primary) in Proc. European Conference on Computer Systems, 2018.
[MobiCom'18] "DeepCache: Principled Cache for Mobile Deep Vision," Mengwei Xu, Mengze Zhu, Yunxin Liu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Xuanzhe Liu, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Computing and Networking, 2018.
[ICS'18] "ProfDP: A Lightweight Profiler to Guide Data Placement in Heterogeneous Memory Systems," Shasha Wen, Lucy Cherkasova, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Xu Liu, in Proc. Int. Conf. on Supercomputing, 2018.
[ICDCS'18] "Rethinking Resource Management in Mobile Web: Measurement, Deployment, and Runtime," invited paper, Xuanzhe Liu, Yun Ma, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Distributed Computing Systems, 2018.
[USENIX ATC'17] "StreamBox: Modern Stream Processing on a Multicore Machine," Hongyu Miao, Heejin Park, Myeongjae Jeon, Gennady Pekhimenko, Kathryn S. McKinley, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. USENIX Annual Technical Conference, 2017.
[MobiSys'17] "Characterizing Smartwatch Usage in The Wild," Xing Liu, Tianyu Chen, Feng Qian, Zhixiu Guo, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Xiaofeng Wang, and Kai Chen, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2017.
[WWW'17] "AppHolmes: Detecting and Characterizing App Collusion among Third-Party Android Markets," Mengwei Xu, Yun Ma, Xuanzhe Liu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Yunxin Liu, in Proc. the World Wide Web Conference, 2017.
[TMC'17] "ShuffleDog: Characterizing and Adapting User-Perceived Latency of Android Apps," Gang Huang, Mengwei Xu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Yunxin Liu, Yun Ma, Saumay Pushp, and Xuanzhe Liu, in IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2017.
[HotMobile'17] "Decelerating Suspend and Resume in OS," Shuang Zhai, Liwei Guo, Xiangyu Li, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2017.
[MobiSys'16] "Understanding the Characteristics of Android Wear OS," Renju Liu and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2016. [slides]
[ASPLOS'16] "memif: Towards Programming Heterogeneous Memory Asynchronously," Felix Xiaozhu Lin and Xu Liu, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2016.
[ISMM'16] "Characterizing Emerging Heterogeneous Memory," Du Shen, Xu Liu, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM SIGPLAN Int. Symposium on Memory Management, 2016.
[HotMobile'16] "Tell Your Graphics Stack That the Display Is Circular," Hongyu Miao and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2016.
[IMC'15] "Characterizing Smartphone Usage Patterns from Millions of Android Users," Huoran Li, Xuanzhe Liu, Tao Xie, Kaigui Bian, Xuan Lu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Qiaozhu Mei, and Feng Feng, in Proc. ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 2015.
[ASPLOS'15] "Automated OS-level Device Runtime Power Management," Chao Xu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2015.
[TOCS'15] "K2: A Mobile Operating System for Heterogeneous Coherence Domains," Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang, and Lin Zhong, in ACM Transactions of Computer Systems, 2015.
[ApSys'15] "Anatomizing System Activities on Interactive Wearable Devices," Renju Liu and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 2015.
[ASPLOS'14] "K2: A Mobile Operating System for Heterogeneous Coherence Domains," best paper award, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2014.
[ApSys'14] "Draining our Glass: An Energy and Heat Characterization of Google Glass," Robert LiKamWa, Zhen Wang, Aaron Carroll, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 2014.
[ApSys'14] "Device drivers should not do power management," Chao Xu, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Asia-Pacific Workshop on Systems, 2014.
[MobiSys'13] "SmartAds: Bringing Contextual Ads to Mobile Apps," Suman Nath, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Lenin Ravindranath, and Jitu Padhye, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Mobile Systems, Applications and Services, 2013.
[ASPLOS'12] "Reflex: Using Low-power Processors in Smartphones without Knowing Them," Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang, Robert LiKamWa, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Int. Conf. Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems, 2012.
[WWW'12] "How far can client-only solutions go for mobile browser speed?," Zhen Wang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Lin Zhong, and Mansoor Chishtie, in Proc. the World Wide Web Conference, 2012.
[PACT'12] "Power-efficient time-sensitive mapping in heterogeneous systems," Cong Liu, Jian Li, Wei Huang, Juan Rubio, Evan Speight, and Felix Xiaozhu Lin, in Proc. Int. Conf. Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques, 2012.
[HotPower'12] "Supporting Distributed Execution of Smartphone Workloads on Loosely Coupled Heterogeneous Processors," Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Zhen Wang, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. Workshop on Power-Aware Computing and Systems, 2012.
[UIST'11] "RhythmLink: Securely Pairing I/O-Constrained Devices by Tapping," Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Daniel Ashbrook, and Sean White, in Proc. ACM Symp. on User Interface Software and Technology, 2011.
[HotMobile'11] "Why are Web Browsers Slow on Smartphones?," Zhen Wang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Lin Zhong, and Mansoor Chishtie, in Proc. ACM Int. Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications, 2011.
[WirelessHealth'10] "Dandelion: A framework for transparently programming phone-centered wireless body sensor applications for health," Felix Xiaozhu Lin, Ahmad Rahmati, and Lin Zhong, in Proc. ACM Wireless Health, 2010.
Updated on Thursday 06. March 2025